The greatest world of the Scorpion is also quite possibly the greatest world in the galaxy. Orbiting the giant red star known as Bayushi’s Eye, anything and everything can be found on the World of Dreams. The galaxy’s most popular planet, home to hundreds of billions of residents (making it the most populous world in the known cosmos), the World of Dreams doesn’t have cities so much as it is one giant city, an urban sprawl stretching from coast-to-coast with skyscrapers that touch (and in some cases pierce) the sky. Low taxes and lax security have attracted tremendous corporate investment from around the galaxy, and many consider the World of Dreams to be the true capital of the Empire. All are welcome under its umbrella, but don’t let the veneer of civilization fool you: here there be monsters, just as sure as on the galaxy’s wilder planets. The World of Dreams draws so much attention that little else is known about the Scorpion Clan and its settlements, which is probably part of their intent.