Crab Locations

Kyuden Hida Prime / Hida Secundus

The Crab, more than any other clan, are comfortable in uncomfortable conditions – such is the legacy of their origins as the guardians of Rokugan against the forces of darkness. Thus it isn’t surprising that they’re more comfortable living on space stations than most other clans (other than perhaps the Silkworm and the Bee), and Kyuden Hida Prime, as well as its neighbor Hida Secundus, exemplify this approach. Both are massive space stations that sit in orbit above Doom Worlds – worlds associated with Gaki-Do, Toshigoku, and Jigoku, whose surfaces swarm with dark, alien monsters. Both stations are loaded with downward-pointing radiant cannons that can (and do) bombard their respective planets with orbital jade strikes. Some might question living in the vicinity of such worlds to begin with, but the reason why is simple: the moons around both stations are some of the most mineral-rich rocks in the entire galaxy, and the military might of the Crab can be directly traced to their possession.

Junji's Hope

Even the Crab, for all their disdain for the other clans, require a point of contact with the rest of the Empire of Emerald Stars, and that point is Junji’s Hope. Named after one of the Crab’s greatest heroes, Junji’s Hope is one of the few garden worlds in the Crab’s interstellar portfolio and the primary seat of the Hiruma family. Given how well the Crab guard their borders (even in space), anyone making their way into – or out of – Crab territory has to go through Junji’s Hope. The Hiruma, for their part, keep a watchful eye over everyone coming into and out of the territory of the Clan of Hida.

Dark Horizon

The Crab mostly claim planets along the Empire’s southern border, an area known as Osano-Wo’s Abyss, largely barren of fertile worlds but highly rich in mineral resources. Many of their primary holdings (such as Kyuden Hida Prime) thus exist on orbital stations. Every so often, however, they find a surprise garden world in the Abyss, and such was the case with Dark Horizon. Named ironically, since it was a surprisingly pleasant planet, Dark Horizon was the home of a thriving if relatively recent colony, but five years ago, something went wrong and the colony went dark. The Crab sent an expeditionary relief force…but that also vanished without a trace. Whatever happened, the Crab aren’t talking about it (and to be fair, it was a small and remote enough colony that the other clans largely didn’t notice it was there) but they’ve since established a no-go zone onto the world itself. Still, whatever lives there likely won’t be contained forever.

Pep’chuk’s Legacy

Though the Nezumi are occasionally seen throughout the Emerald Stars, the majority of their population now resides on one planet under Crab control: Pep’chuck’s Legacy. The Crab’s primary tourist world is dedicated to the ever-expanding Rodesney Company, the largest entertainment conglomerate outside Crane territory, run entirely by the Nezumi on behalf of the Crab. Pep’chuk’s Legacy houses theme parks like Ratcot Center, Sakurawood Studios, and Shindoshi Kingdom, as the Rodesney Company specializes in family entertainment (especially animated films) and superhero films under their Maberu Studios brand, a long-running series of interconnected films about the heroes of the War of the Broken Sun (and some of their better-known allies). It may not have the artsy reach of the Crane entertainment industry, the seedy underbelly of the Scorpion’s adult entertainment industry, or the devoted fanbase of the Lion’s action movie empire, but the Rodesney Company’s products are just what you need when you want to turn off your brain and enjoy some unchallenging media.