The Monkey Clan

The Monkey’s place in the Empire was always somewhat of an odd one. Their extraordinarily effective bushi school made them the ultimate underdogs, on par with some of the best individual fighters in Rokugan -- but they never really seemed to have much of a purpose beyond acting as beacons of hope and virtue. They might have ceased to exist were it not for the protection of both the Scorpion Clan and the new Imperial line. Still, as the Clans took to the stars, many wondered if the Monkey weren’t destined to be disbanded or absorbed as so many other Clans before them. After all, observers wondered, what could be their purpose in this new galaxy? They didn’t have to wait long to find out.

One of the first alien empires encountered by Rokugan were the Chromine Confederacy, ruled by an eight foot tall, warlike mammalian race obsessed with gladiatorial combat which captured a single Mantis vessel. Things might have gone very wrong...were it not for the presence of Toku Torakao aboard the Mantis ship. Torakao volunteered to win the freedom of his shipmates by participating in the Chromine’s gladiatorial games against competitors much larger than he was. The amused Chromine agreed -- then were stunned as the Toku Bushi school’s unique advantages gave them an edge in the contest. The Chromine not only freed Torakao and the Mantis, but agreed to never wage war on the Empire of Emerald Stars -- so long as Torakao or those like him returned regularly to fight in these gladiatorial conquests.

In the time since, these gladiatorial contests have become a source of pride to the Rokugani, and are viewed widely throughout the Empire, far beyond just the Monkey’s capital planet of Virtue’s Favor. As long as the status quo continues, things are fine...but should the Monkey ever fail to show up -- or should they somehow bomb out spectacularly in the contests themselves and lose the interest of the bloodthirsty Chromine crowds -- the Rokugani may have to deal with a new and terrifying enemy.

Toku Family Bonus: +1 Stamina
Fuzake Family Bonus: +1 Perception