The Komodo Clan

Most people believe that the Komodo were formed after a ronin named Tashiko saved the life of the Emperor through sheer coincidence in the 23rd century, and was granted the boon of forming a new minor clan. That’s technically true…but it’s also not the whole truth. “Tashiko” was born Shosuro Ginchiyo, one of the Scorpion’s more gifted infiltrators, but never felt at home within the Scorpion. She chafed at their need to conduct operations purely in service of furthering their own power – why limit oneself when there was so much potential money to be made by freely offering their services to all clans? Ginchiyo thus ultimately faked her own death, and “Tashiko” was born. After spending months carefully researching her target, Tashiko herself put the Emperor in jeopardy purely so she could save his life. It worked, too, and no one ever suspected her involvement (in part because everyone who knew the truth just happened to trip out various airlocks). Thus was born the Tachibana family of the Komodo Clan, a group of “actors” and “acrobats” who officially exist to provide entertainment for the festivals and events of other clans. Unofficially, their services as spies, thieves, and assassins out of their jungle homeworld Ginchiyo’s Den are for sale to the highest bidder – discreetly, of course.

Tachibana Family Bonus: +1 Intelligence